‘Melt’ and the sad blue eye

'Melt' - A Second Life Art Installation organized by Radio Signals

I found Melt under the Showcase tab located within Second Life’s Search feature… the listing said:

“This installation on thin ice” displays the work of 25 SL artists who were told to create art with only the following words in mind: drowning, melting, polar bears, arctic , culpability, corporate greed, inevitability and extinction…”

There is much to see at Melt but be warned the sky by Jojorunoo Runo is fabulous and you will find yourself mesmerized by it. The wintery light bouncing off the water and ice flows (created by Radio Signals and Stoic Ixchel) help to create a vivid, crisp, cool space. You can hear the sea surging around the ice flows and giant polar bears (created by Miel Nirvana) can be seen lounging around in the cold ocean. Jojorunoo Runo, creator of astonishing skies, also made ‘Artic Prototype’ a truly strange iceberg. I clicked on the iceberg to see if I could land my avatar in a sitting position but instead found my avi lying partially immersed in the freezing sea. (A little inadvisable.) I watched as waves splashed and sprayed over the ice and my avatar, then I panned out with my camera to discover the beautiful blue eye! My avatar was lying on a large animal of some sort. I moved my camera back and forth, and peered beneath the ‘Artic Prototype’ but I could not make out what the weird creature was. I just know it had a sad blue eye that looked back at me without blinking while its eyelashes waved like reeds in the arctic wind.

Melt Installation Second Life
'Melt' Installation in Second Life. Cyberloom explores Radio Signal's ice patch
Napping on 'Arctic Prototype' (Created by Jojorunoo Runo)
The sad blue eye. (Part of 'Arctic Prototype' by Jojorunoo)

Cyberloom’s wardrobe:

Illuminating Top Hat Mk II by Dredpiratebob
Steampunk Engineer’s Backpack by Fenrir Reitveld
Dragon by  Vilem Beaumont
Trilogy Coat by Disembodied Hand

Art installation ‘Melt’ organized by Radio Signals.
Location of ‘Melt”  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mirror/126/134/21/